Monday 28 November 2011

How I Spend My Free Time

During my free time I like to spend time on computers and on social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. I like going on these websites as it keeps me up to date with my friends activities and lets me know what everyone's doing, vice versa for them to know what i'm doing. Also in my spare time i like play computer games on Xbox like Fifa and Call of Duty, doing this i am also socializing with friends. Listening to music in my spare time is another one of my favorite things to do. I listen to music of YouTube, iTunes or Spotify. You never had any of this back in the 1980’s, they had no way of getting in contact, they had to knock for their friends to get them out. Instead of playing computer games like Call of duty they were playing board games like monopoly for entertainment. It’s better now we are in the twenty first century, as we can communicate with our friends over the internet. But social networking websites like Facebook, and instant messaging programs like windows live messenger (Two of the most used things on the internet) are the main gateways to cyber bullying, this is biggest downside for things like this. On the other hand, whilst doing all of this I like to play on my blackberry, phones have changed drastically overtime. Instead of texting or ringing my friends, i can BBM (Blackberry messenger them) which is basically an instant messaging program that allows you to talk to other people with Blackberry's for free. I also do a lot of online shopping as I am too lazy and busy to go to the shopping center itself, so retail stores that have websites are a big love of mine as I don't have to do anything other that click what I want.

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